
Brussels railway stations map

Map of train stations in Brussels. Brussels railway stations map (Belgium) to print. Brussels railway stations map (Belgium) to download. The 3 main railway stations in Brussels are on the same line from north to south as its shown in Brussels railway stations map. Most high speed international trains leave from the south station and all intercity trains will pass through Brussels Centrale and Brussels Midi. Brussels is a bilingual city and most places have Dutch and French names. Make sure you know both names of the Brussels railway stations so you can spot them when booking your tickets or searching timetables.

Map of train stations in Brussels

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North city railway station of Brussels, is also known as Gare du Nord (FR) or Noordstation (NL) where many trains will go through here but the main departure points are Brussels Centrale and Brussels Midi as its mentioned in Brussels railway stations map. City centre railway station, which also known as Gare Centrale (FR) or Brussel Centraal (NL), it is the centre of activity for intercity travellers. South city railway station, which is also known as Gare du Midi (FR) or Zuidstation (NL). The busiest of all the stations in Brussels.