
Brussels sightseeing map

Brussels sights map. Brussels sightseeing map (Belgium) to print. Brussels sightseeing map (Belgium) to download. Vibrant Brussels is known for being many things at once, and that versatility extends to its sightseeings. Peeing statues, parks and hills with specific cultural missions, resplendent Art Nouveau and Art Deco villas, and even Europe in miniature – Brussels has it all as its shown in Brussels sightseeing map.
Without doubt two of the most unusual and unexpected sightseeings in Brussels, the Chinese Pavilion and Japanese Tower as its mentioned in Brussels sightseeing map can be found within the Royal Park, towards the northern corner, although for many, the urinating boy statue known as the Manneken Pis is always one to photograph. Also look out for the splendid Royal Palace (Palais Royal), which stands on the Place de Palais and enjoys excellent views across the southerly side of the nearby Parc de Bruxelles.
Brussels, capital of Belgium, principal seat of the Belgian Royal Family, and capital of the European Union, is a remarkably small, easy-going, and human-sized city for all its importance. Unlike beautiful sightseeings like Bruges and Ghent as you can see in Brussels sightseeing map, with their hordes of tourists, Brussels is Belgium main economic and educational hub, which gives Brussels a more workaday feel than other towns.