Place rogier Brussels map
Map of place rogier map. Place rogier Brussels map (Belgium) to print. Place rogier Brussels map (Belgium) to download. Place Rogier is one of the points of friction in Brussels, located at the crossroads of very different districts as its shown in place rogier Brussels map: the North district, Saint-Josse and the pentagon. Since the relocation of the Gare du Nord station in the 1950s from Place Rogier to the North Quarter, the place seems lifeless. Yet place rogier Brussels is a major node for public transportation, with three underground subway lines and an aboveground bus stop that receives three buses a minute.
Place rogier Brussels is cleared of all through traffic and becomes a fluid space again. A new atrium, built into the existing basement of place rogier Brussels, provides light and direct access to the metro, an underground parking lot and conference rooms (see place rogier Brussels map). The atrium and bus stop are covered by a circular glass and steel canopy, bearing on a core, which overflows both onto the place rogier Brussels and onto the inner ring road.